The Form W-2 scamming continues for the third year in a row. As the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) gears up for tax season, they not only feel the need to warn taxpayers of phishing scams, but employers as well.

In recent years, cybercriminals have targeted companies and tricked them into providing sensitive tax information. They managed to get through to payroll personnel and others with access to payroll information which they used to compromise the identity of countless workforces.

The IRS states that “the scam affected all types of employers, from small and large businesses to public schools and universities, hospitals, tribal governments and charities.” Part of the Security Summit efforts includes raising as much awareness about fraudulent behavior and taking preventative measures early on.

With the number of victims of the scandal rising close to 1,000, according to records reported to, they want to do everything they can to stop this problem from escalating.

The IRS established a special email notification address specifically for employers to report Form W-2 data thefts. Here’s how Form W-2 scam victims can notify the IRS:

  • Email to notify the IRS of a Form W-2 data loss and provide contact information, as listed below.
  • In the subject line, type “W2 Data Loss” so that the email can be routed properly. Do not attach any employee personally identifiable information data.
  • Include the following:
    • Business name
    • Business employer identification number (EIN) associated with the data loss
    • Contact name
    • Contact phone number
    • Summary of how the data loss occurred
    • Volume of employees impacted


Tax Defense Partners is also here to protect your information and guide you through tax season in a secure fashion. Contact us today with questions or concerns – we can help resolve any of your outstanding tax issues.